Though ear infections are most commonly found in children, individuals of all ages may suffer from ear disorders. These can present in many forms, including hearing loss, vertigo, ear pain, and drainage. Our physicians take a systematic approach in evaluating all ear disorders to arrive at a personalized treatment plan for each patient.
Surgical treatments offered by our physicians include myringotomy and ear tube placement, tympanoplasties (repairing perforated ear drums), cholesteatoma removal surgery, and mastoidectomies.
Disorders Treated:
- Cerumen (ear wax) impactions
- Tinnitus (ringing in ear)
- Vertigo (dizziness)
- Middle ear infections (otitis media)
- Outer ear infections (otitis external)
- Hearing loss
- Eardrum perforations
- Cholesteatoma (middle ear cysts)
- Acute and chronic mastoiditis
For more information or to make an appointment, please call our Chicago (312-664-6715), Downers Grove (630-574-8222) or Tinley Park offices (708-444-1530).