Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus lining, frequently caused by infections (bacterial, viral, or fungal) or allergies. It can cause congestion, thick nasal discharge, facial pain, coughing, a sore throat, fatigue and toothache. The structure of the sinus openings and blockages of the nasal passages may also contribute to sinus disease. A deviated septum or polyps, (benign growths that can form in the nose and sinuses) can cause these blockages. Sinus disease may be acute, occurring suddenly, or chronic, lasting three or more months.
We will examine your nasal passages and review your medical history thoroughly to determine the cause/s of your sinusitis. We will develop a treatment plan that is right for you, using a step-wise approach customized to your particular health needs. This may include prescribing the use of nose sprays or other medications, allergy testing or chemical cautery. We will always try to find non-surgical methods to deal with your sinus problems before resorting to surgery.
Nasal polyps typically have the appearance of peeled grapes. They can obstruct breathing, decrease your sense of smell or taste, cause post-nasal drip and, less commonly, facial pain and pressure. There are many potential causes. Commonly, they are genetic and are linked to allergies, asthma, aspirin sensitivity, sinus infections and cystic fibrosis.
The diagnosis of nasal polyps is made based upon patient history and a through physical examination that includes nasal endoscopy. A CT scan of the sinuses will help determine the full extent and origin of the polyps.
Treatment involves a combination of surgical removal and medical therapies that can be topical, oral or injectable. New treatment options have allowed us to better manage this condition and underlying causes. We specialize in the latest minimally invasive surgical techniques, along with newer medical approaches to control this challenging condition.
These may include dissolvable and/or removable implants designed to deliver medication directly to the sinuses, while helping to maintain sinus openings. An implant may be inserted into the nasal cavity as part of surgery, or during an in-office visit without surgery. If you suffer recurring nasal polyps and surgery has not produced the results you need, contact our office today to learn if an implant is the right treatment for your sinus problems.
For more information or to make an appointment, please call our Chicago (312-664-6715), Downers Grove (630-574-8222) or Tinley Park offices (708-444-1530).