If you’re one of the many millions of people suffering through allergies, you know that it can be tough to get through the day. And you’re probably also keenly aware that many over-the-counter allergy relief medications have unpleasant side-effects.
We offer in-office allergy testing to help identify the allergens that are causing you such discomfort. The appointment takes 60-75 minutes and will pinpoint what you can do to take back control of your life.
So what’s next after testing? Unlike other treatment plans that make you come in every week, our immunotherapy treatment is administered through at-home injections on a graduated scale while your body adjusts to the allergen. After initial in-office instructional sessions, you will need to return to the office only once per month for injections from your next vials of immunotherapy. As your treatment progresses, staying on track results in less frequent appointments. Our unique immunotherapy allows you considerable freedom to manage your treatment without sacrificing your time.
For more information or to make an appointment, please call our Downers Grove (630-574-8222) or Tinley Park offices (708-444-1530).