
An alternative treatment for Nasal Polyps.

SINUVA is a treatment for nasal polyps for adults who have had ethmoid sinus surgery and are looking for an alternative to repeat sinus surgery.
SINUVA opens in the sinus and delivers anti-inflammatory medicine to treat nasal polyps.


We are excited to announce The Midwest Sinus Center will be utilizing the new SINUVA implant to help treat nasal polyps. SINUVA is a small implant that is inserted into the nasal cavity during your office visit without surgery. Once implanted it expands, opening up your sinus cavities before releasing anti-inflammatory medicine to help treat nasal polyps. This implant stays in place for up to 90 days and can be removed earlier if your doctor decides removal is the best treatment option for you. SINUVA is designed to help treat nasal polyps as an alternative to surgery or other treatments for adults who have already undergone ethmoid sinus surgery. If you suffer recurring nasal polyps and surgery has not produced the results you need, contact our office today to learn if SINUVA is the right treatment for your sinus problems.